Stress-free walks for you and your dog   

recall . chasing . reactivity . pulling   




Dogs I work with most often (and love it):


Dogs aged 6 months to roughly 2 years can be hard to live with. They are like human teenagers - sassy, impulsive, pushy, don't listen. I love these dogs, and can help you to fall in love with them too. Even if, right now, you're pulling your hair out in despair.


Barking, pulling, lunging at the end of the lead, growling, frantic and dramatic. Does this describe your dog? I know how it feels, but I also know how to deal with it. It's the most common behaviour problem I work with. It's hard now, but trust me, we can make it so much better.


So stressful to see your dog disappear in the distance after a hare or a deer. Been there myself, more than once. But then I decided to do something about it, and now I walk with my dogs without worry. I will show youhow I did it, so you can stop worrying too.

Would you like to make quicker progress with your dog? Are you currently struggling to teach him basics like recall, lead walking, paying attention to you, listening to your requests?

Maybe you have a young, adolescent dog, that just doesn't seem to learn anything, or you never really got to teach your dog much, but now you regret it, and you don't know where to start?

This is where Training Walks come in!

Twice a week I'll take youd dog out for a walk, and teach him all the things he needs to know. You can come with me, but I'll do the training. The minimum length of this programme is 3 weeks, and at the end of this period we'll have a transfer session, when you'll learn how to maintain what we've achieved.

Available day combos are Tuesday + Saturday, and Wednesday + Sunday. If you'd like to enquire about other possibilities, please get in touch. Just note there must be at least one day break between sessions, ideally 2.

The cost of Training Walks: £210 for the 3 weeks (£35 per session, 1hr long). Payment plan available (2 x £105).

For reactive dogs the price is £280 for a 4 week programme (£35 per session), or 2 payments of £140.

Phone: 07593032280 or e-mail:

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