meet your instructor           

Hi, I'm Agata. I have been a dog trainer in Perth for over a decade. I love it! To see you and your dog succeed, your relationship blossom, your eyes sparkle with pride - it's the best feeling in the world

When you come to me, you're struggling, you tell me how it is for you and your family. You tell me how you imagined owning your dog would be like, and how, at the moment, it's anything but. And then we turn your struggles around, and it's magic, it's like it always meant to be.

For me, being a dog trainer is very special, it's about changing lives, it's about changing your life.

Whether you're going through a rough time with your dog, or you simply want more for him, your journey begins here. Get in touch and we'll find a programme that will give you the most benefits and put your mind at rest. Be forewarned, however, you'll need to do your part of the deal as well. Your dog can change only if you make it possible, it's a teamwork.

To help you achieve better results, I learn. A lot. I invest in my education for you and your dog. Yes, I love learning and it's a pleasure to study all the intricacies of dog behaviour, but ultimately you're the one that benefits from it the most.

So now comes the boring part. You can skip it, it's all about me.

I am a graduate of Companion Animal Sciences Institute and hold Diploma of Dog Training and Behaviour Consulting. I completed Training Puppies and Adolescent Dogs course, run by Kay Laurence of Learning About Dogs and over 30 courses at Fenzi Dog Sports Academy.  I studied The Behaviour Bible at The School of Canine Sciences, and the Pro Dog Trainer and Geek programmes with Absolute Dogs.  I'm a certified Family Dog Mediator and recently completed the Aggression In Dogs mastercourse at Aggressive Dog, Revolutions In Reactivity at The Dogenius Institute, and Slow Thinking Is Life Saving For Dogs course with Dr Laura Donaldson.

Recently I have been digging deep into the topics of frustration and impulsivity in dogs, as they seem to play huge roles in the lives of adolescent dogs, but also reactive and predatory (chasing) dogs. I've completed the Frustration Masterclass with Lighten Up Dog Training, and I'm currently enroled in their Succeed With Impulsive Dogs course. I'm also exploring the Relationship Centered Training with Suzanne Clothier, one of the biggest names in the dog world. Being a part of her membership gives me access to eye opening (and mind blowing) knowledge, and her tonnes of experience, skills, and love for animals.

I am totally committed to continuous education and professional development, quite nerdy really. I go to seminars and workshops, love watching webinars (you don't need to dress well) and I read. There is nothing like a smell of a brand new book (about dogs, naturally). My business is fully insured.

My first job with dogs was looking after 40 sled dogs in Norway. That was in 2005. Since then I worked for 3 more husky farms, in Sweden, Norway and Finland, a sheepdog trainer in Forfar, Manchester Dogs Home in, well, Manchester, and Perthshire Abandoned Dogs Society, where I've worked, part time, for well over 10 years.

In my spare time I photograph flowers and mushrooms. And my dog, Arco the Belgian Malinois. I enjoy nature, so I walk a lot, I try to live healthy (with an exception of a chocolate bar once in a while), I exercise and I used to climb until an injury put a stop to it... but I hope to get back to it soon. Recently I also got addicted to juicing, with carrot juice being my all time favourite.

Oh, and I have a Master's Degree in Cultural Anthropology.

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